Selon Aziz Rebbah, ministre de l’Energie, des mines et de l’environnement du Maroc, « le secteur minier est un pilier de développement économique et social du pays ». Economique peut être, social surement pas. Les conditions de travail dans les mines restent souvent primitives, que ce soit en termes de salaire, de santé ou de sécurité.
Durante la tercera semana de octubre (del 12 al 18) tuvo lugar la primera Semana Internacional contra el Impago de Salarios. Fue establecida por la Asociación Internacional de los Trabajadores (IWA/AIT) para subrayar el fenómeno de los salarios impagados y tratar cómo podemos luchar de manera anarcosindicalista.
During the third week of October (12th-18th) the first International Week Against Unpaid Wages took place. It was established by the International Workers’ Association (IWA/AIT) to highlight the phenomenon of unpaid wages and how we can fight it in the anarchosyndicalist manner. The IWA secretariat, Priama Akcia (PA) and other unions wrote their statements regarding the topic.
A pesar del mal tiempo, con lluvia y frio, una veintena de valientes compañeres se han reunido hoy frente a la sede de la compañía Seamox GmbH, situada en la parte este de la ciudad de Viena, en protesta por el dinero que esta empresa debe a nuestro compañero español. Es así como nos juntamos en una zona residencial en el barrio de Kaisermühlen, con sus edificios altos y nuevos, entre la autopista y el canal del Nuevo Danubio, donde se ubica la compañía, curiosamente justo al lado de una comisaría de policía.
I desember 2019 vedtok International Workers 'Association (IWA-IAA) på sin kongress i Melbourne, Australia, å organisere en internasjonal uke mot ubetalt lønn. Seksjonene i IWA ble enige om å utføre forskjellige aktiviteter i løpet av 3. uke i oktober for å rette oppmerksomheten mot det utbredte fenomenet ubetalt lønn og for å vise hvilke verktøy vi kan bruke for å bekjempe det.
Trotz wirklich grauslichen Wetters – naß und kalt – haben sich heute rund zwanzig wackere GenossInnen vor dem Sitz der Firma Seamox GmbH in Transdanubien versammelt, um dagegen zu protestieren, daß die Gehälter unseres spanischen Genossen weiterhin ausstehen. So sind wir also in einem Wohngebiet in Kaisermühlen mit hohen Neubauten zwischen Autobahn und Neuer Donau gestanden, lustiger Weise gleich neben einer Polizei-Station, denn dort ist der Firmensitz.
A well-known telecommunications company, who would not like to read its name here, but may do so soon, retained a well-known consulting firm for an assignment. This consulting firm, who would similarly prefer to not read its name here, though it may just the same come soon to light, retained in turn a IT company to complete this assignment. It should come as no surprise that this IT firm would also have its name kept in the shadows, even if it will soon be readable here. At the end of the chain rests a relatively small SeaMoX Information Technologies Corporation (SeaMoX) from Kaisermühlen, which seeks skilled laborers internationally and brings them to Vienna with myriad promises.
U decembru 2019. godine, Međunarodno udruženje radnika i radnica (MUR) je na svom Kongresu, održanom u Melburnu u Australiji, odlučilo da organizuje i podrži Međunarodnu nedelju borbe protiv neisplaćenih zarada. Sekcije MUR su dogovorile različite aktivnosti tokom treće nedelje oktobra kako bi skrenule pažnju na veoma raširen fenomen neplaćenog rada, kao i na načine kojima se možemo boriti protiv njega. Zato što mi, kao radnici, i radimo da bi došli do plate, a ne samo kako bi gazde učinili još bogatijima.
En 2016, el sindicato Priama Akcia ganó su primer conflicto con lxs jefxs. Éste estaba relacionado con el impago de la remuneración a un ex trabajador (autónomo), el cual contactó con el sindicato en busca de ayuda. Nos llevó solamente dos meses de protestas y acciones directas para conseguir que le pagaran todo el importe que le debían, 950EUR.
CNT-AIT Albacete - Labour conflict due to wrongful dismissal and claim of unpaid wages against Asishogar.
In June 2020, the CNT-AIT Albacete union began to take action against the company Asishogar, which manages home-care workers. A comrade of the union was working from July 2019 to January 2020, with a category of Home Help Assistant. On 27 December 2019, she fell ill and was fired at the end of January through a contract termination.
The company is required to:
1) Recognition of the termination of the employment relationship as an unfair dismissal, and not as end of the contract.
2) Payment of compensation for unfair dismissal for the months worked on the basis that the contract is in breach of law and, at least, a compensation of 33 days per year worked would be applied.
3) Claim of unpaid wages based on: not taken holidays (15 days), not taken rest days, night shift differential, wage differences due to the application of 2018 Wage Tables for work carried out in 2019, time spent going from one service to another, Social Security contribution for the week the worker was working without being registered.
4) Resolution and regularisation of the working conditions which have been systematically violated by the company.
The conflict is not yet resolved and the actions continue.