Priama Akcia union (PA) is initiating an international campaign against VegaNana, a vegan bakery in Bratislava (Slovakia), and its remaining business partners, including a vegan shop in Vienna. The union was contacted by three women who used to work at VegaNana with a request for help. In total, the bakery owes Jana, Laura, and Veronika 17 252,30 € in unpaid wages and social security contributions. Continue reading to learn how you or your organisation can support the workers (templates that can be used are included).
VegaNana is a vegan bakery in Bratislava, founded in August 2023 by the mother-daughter duo Katarína Podhorová (manager and baker) and Alexandra Podhorová (owner of the business licence). During the short life of the business, they managed to accumulate a large amount of debt, most notably due to the non-payment of wages, social security and health insurance contributions.
Before contacting PA, former employees Jana, Laura and Veronika (who began working in VegaNana in autumn 2023) tried to resolve the situation on their own, but with no significant results. When asked about the money owed, the manager responded with emotional manipulation, whining about her personal and financial problems and begging for more time. This left the workers exhausted, living off their savings and borrowing money from their relatives. In April 2024, the workers found out that their social security contributions were not being paid in full. Furthermore, Jana and Veronika were still without employment contracts, and it was only in April that they learned that on paper, they were only earning the minimum wage. As a result, the workers refused to return to work until their demands were met. Even then, this yielded no results despite continuously contacting Katarína and Alexandra Podhorová, reminding them of what they still owed.
In June 2024, Jana, Laura and Veronika contacted PA. With the union’s and supporters’ help, a letter was delivered on 13th August to VegaNana with a detailed calculation of the amount owed to and a two-week deadline for the payment of debt. When this deadline was not met and the bosses responded only by blocking the workers on social media, the dispute was made public by publishing an article on the PA website and Facebook on 28th August (article in Slovak).
The article describes the situation, including the various instances of unfair treatment of workers and illegal labour practices. Supporters were asked to put pressure on VegaNana by voicing their opinion via social media, e-mail and phone. The call for action was met with incredible support, with people coming up with original ways to show solidarity with Jana, Laura and Veronika. In addition, several former employees and business partners reported that they too were owed money by VegaNana.
The owner and manager of the bakery decided to respond to the campaign. Along with several hostile social media posts (including one using the term anarchosyndicalism as a societal threat) they also produced an absurd video accusing the former workers of theft and the union of threatening their family’s safety.
They continued to harass the workers and PA and filed a criminal complaint. After the workers testified at the police and with all the evidence on their side, the bosses not only failed with this baffling move, but it also significantly backfired.
On 15th September, PA published a rather devastating response to the false accusations and statements made by VegaNana (article in Slovak). After this, the course of events took a quick turn. Three days later a piece of paper was seen on the shop’s front door with an announcement that the shop has closed down, although orders could still be placed via Instagram or e-mail. In response, the original announcement has been (repeatedly) replaced with one produced by workers’ supporters stating that the shop had closed due to unpaid wages and that people could contact PA for more information or to support the former workers (article in Slovak). Three weeks later VegaNana decided to remove the original announcement completely.
Shortly thereafter, VegaNana deactivated their FB page and removed the Instagram posts against the former workers and PA. Furthermore, the owner of VegaNana has also announced on her IG that she refuses to continue to act as a “cat’s-paw” (in her own words) for her mother and is seeking a new job.
However, the person managing the business found a new minion and continues to bake for a significantly reduced number of cafés in Bratislava that obviously have no issue with supporting a fraudulent business.
One of the key actors in this fraudulent scheme is Hotel Skaritz in Bratislava. VegaNana’s shop has been located at the hotel’s premises from the very beginning and the cakes are being made there, too. Furthermore, VegaNana has been preparing breakfast for the hotel’s guests. Priama Akcia contacted Hotel Skaritz and posed two questions concerning: 1) Whether it is the hotel’s policy to support fraudulent practices of VegaNana and Katarína Podhorová, 2) and if not, then what type of action they plan to take not to be associated with such practices anymore.
At first, the management claimed that the formal contract with Alexandra Podhorová – VegaNana has been terminated. However, PA reminded the hotel that they continue to collaborate with Katarína Podhorová, albeit under a different business partnership. The executive manager responded with a refusal to respond in writing and attempted to persuade the union to meet face-to-face instead, indicating that legal representation should be present as well. The union declined the invitation to meet in person, as the questions posed were simple and there was no relevant reason to meet. In addition, it was pointed out to the executive manager that the avoidance of written communication has formed the very basis of VegaNana’s fraudulent business practice. The hotel then stopped responding.
Another key actor is GlutenFreeX, a shop in Vienna selling VegaNana’s cakes. An Austrian website https://veganana.at has been launched recently as well. GlutenFreeX was asked the same two questions. They did not bother to respond at all.
It is clear that VegaNana continues to ignore its debts to workers and tries to do its business as usual.
The above mentioned two actors have an international overlap. One provides accommodation to tourists, the other transports the cakes across the border and sells them in another country.
Therefore, we would like to ask for international support for Jana, Laura and Veronika in their dispute over unpaid wages and other financial claims. You can show your discontent with such business practices by contacting these businesses directly and/or writing them a review.
Contact VegaNana:
Instagram: @veganana___
E-mail: hello@veganana.at
WhatsApp (through the website): https://veganana.at
Write a review:
Contact Hotel Skaritz:
E-mail: reception@skaritz.com
Tel.: +421 2 59 20 97 70
Write a review:
Contact GlutenFreeX:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/glutenfreexshop
FB: https://www.facebook.com/glutenfreex/
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@glutenfreexshop
E-mail: office@gluten-freex.at
Tel.: +43 1 95 81 933
Write a review:
Template text that can be sent:
To Hotel Skaritz:
upon learning that Hotel Skaritz is providing its premises to the fraudulent business of Ms Katarína Podhorová/VegaNana, I want to express my discontent with your practices.
It is obvious that Hotel Skaritz acts as an accomplice in the exploitation of workers, non-payment of wages and false accusations against those who stand up against such practices.
I think it should be made public internationally that your hotel is not worth visiting until you stop partnering with Ms Katarína Podhorová/Veganana.
I show my full support to the campaign of VegaNana’s former workers Jana, Laura and Veronika and Priama Akcia union who fight for the payment of wages and other financial claims.
Add your name, city, country (and/or organisation)
To GlutenFreeX:
upon learning that GlutenFreeX is associated with the fraudulent business of Ms Katarína Podhorová/VegaNana, I want to express my discontent with your practices.
It is obvious that GlutenFreeX acts as an accomplice in the exploitation of workers, non-payment of wages and false accusations against those who stand up against such practices.
I think it should be made public internationally that your shop is not worth visiting until you stop partnering with Ms Katarína Podhorová/Veganana.
My understanding of veganism is that it aims to fight exploitation. Your business model seems to go in the opposite direction. It is regrettable that your actions are giving bad press to veganism.
I show my full support to the campaign of VegaNana’s former workers Jana, Laura and Veronika and Priama Akcia union who fight for the payment of wages and other financial claims.
Add your name, city, country (and/or organisation)
Hotel Skaritz:
Hotel Skaritz provides its premises to the fraudulent business of Ms Katarína Podhorová/VegaNana, who is known for the exploitation of workers, non-payment of wages and false accusations against those who stand up against such practices. I do not recommend that you book this hotel for your stay in Bratislava.
More info in English: https://www.priamaakcia.sk/Call-for-Solidarity-with-Former-Workers-of-Ve...
More info in German: https://www.priamaakcia.sk/Solidaritatsaufruf-mit-den-ehemaligen-Arbeite...
GlutenFreeX is associated with Ms Katarína Podhorová/VegaNana, who is known for the exploitation of workers, non-payment of wages and false accusations against those who stand up against such practices. It seems that their understanding of veganism is not in line with the struggle against exploitation of all. I do not recommend this shop.
More info in English: https://www.priamaakcia.sk/Call-for-Solidarity-with-Former-Workers-of-Ve...
More info in German: https://www.priamaakcia.sk/Solidaritatsaufruf-mit-den-ehemaligen-Arbeite...
We would be grateful if you could inform us about your solidarity activities, so that we can share them with Jana, Laura and Veronika. You can use our e-mail: is(at)priamaakcia(dot)sk.
Priama Akcia is part of the International Workers’ Association (IWA/AIT), an anarchosyndicalist federation of organisations in more than 20 countries. The call for solidarity in the dispute with VegaNana is part of the activities carried out during the International Week Against Unpaid Wages (14th-20th October 2024) which has been established by the IWA in 2019. More info: https://iwa-ait.org/content/international-week-against-unpaid-wages-octo....
Source: https://www.priamaakcia.sk/Call-for-Solidarity-with-Former-Workers-of-Ve...